
Penso che la composizione in fotografia sia molto simile al ritmo in musica. Se si dispone di grande ritmo si ha anche un grande senso della composizione. (Rodney Smith)
Se Pietrino Di Sebastiano fosse un musicista sarebbe sicuramente un formidabile compositore: composizioni ”attraenti”, elementi dell’immagine distribuiti, posizionati e centrati secondo le regole classiche della storia della fotografia, da vero esperto e conoscitore della materia. É proprio la composizione degli elementi, il bilanciamento dei ”pesi” all’interno dell’immagine, uniti al contrasto cromaticamente netto bianco/nero- abbagliante/scuro che produce "armonia" all’interno della scena ritratta; e sembra poi che questa stessa "armonia" che pervade la fotografia di Pietrino sia dotata della capacità di infondere una sensazione di calma e pace all’interno dell’osservatore che ammira rapito i suoi lavori.
La fotografia di Pietrino Di Sebastiano riesce quindi a colpire e calmare, pacificare l’interiorità; un minimalismo cercato e voluto insieme alla completa assenza della presenza umana sembrano inoltre avere la facoltà di suggerire una "nuova" dimensione, altra rispetto alla realtà ordinaria ma prodotta e scaturita proprio da questa. Una nuova dimensione quindi quella che prende vita dalle composizioni del fotografo generata da quegli elementi che ogni giorno ci circondano e osserviamo sbadatamente, con non curanza. Ed è proprio questo, ci sembra di capire, il segreto che si nasconde dietro la fotografia di Pietrino Di Sebastiano: l’osservare, il guardare sempre con occhi "nuovi" scevri da quella abitudine e consuetudine che ci impedisce di vedere "oltre" l’ordinaria apparenza delle cose.

I think composition in photography is very similar to rhythm in music. If you have great rhythm, you also have a great sense of composition. (Rodney Smith)
If Pietrino Di Sebastiano were a musician he would certainly be a formidable composer: "attractive" compositions, elements of the image distributed, positioned and centered according to the classic rules of the history of photography, as a true expert and connoisseur of the subject. It is precisely the composition of the elements, the balance of the "weights" within the image, combined with the sharp black ( white-dazzling ) dark color contrast that produces "harmony" within the scene portrayed; and then it seems that this same "harmony" that pervades Pietrino's photography is endowed with the ability to instill a feeling of calm and peace within the observer who admires his works in raptures.
Pietrino Di Sebastiano's photography therefore manages to strike and calm, pacify the interiority; a minimalism sought and desired together with the complete absence of human presence also seem to have the faculty of suggesting a "new" dimension, other than ordinary reality but produced and sprung from it. A new dimension therefore the one that comes to life from the compositions of the photographer generated by those elements that surround us every day and we observe carelessly, with carelessness. And it is precisely this, we seem to understand, the secret that lies behind Pietrino Di Sebastiano's photography: observing, always looking with "new" eyes free from that habit that prevents us from seeing "beyond" the ordinary appearance of things.

Link: •BestSelected•        

( Recensione di Vanni Pandolfi dal sito BestSelected - i migliori della rete )

Molto spesso nella pagina del nostro Gruppo , commentando un certo tipo di foto, uso un termine importante ZEN importante come ‘parola’ perche’ ZEN e’ una filosofia di vita…una scuola di pensiero, un modo per vivere ed interpretare il nostro rapporto con la vita interiore, con tutte le creature dell’universo, un modo per…vivere ed interpretare l’ARTE. Guardando le foto di Pietrino Di Sebastiano credo che il termine ZEN sia uno dei piu’ appropriati proprio perche’ il mondo di Pietrino si esprime nei paesaggi, nelle particolarissime foto di fiori…in originali interpretazioni ‘architecture’ ma in ognuno dei suoi scatti si respira l’ESSENZIALITA’, il rigore formale, ma anche l’anima…l’amore per la Natura, il modo di interagire con essa nel totale rispetto per tutte le creature, che sono poi l’essenza stessa dello ZEN. Vorrei ancora riallacciarmi all’Oriente ed usare un’altra parola che sempre, sempre mi viene in mente ogni volta che ammiro le foto di Pietrino…HAIKU, la poesia giapponese fatta di sole 17 sillabe. di sole tre righe…quel modo di fare poesie che permette, con poche parole di esprimere sentimenti, concetti….solo tre righe per parlare di NATURA ed ecco come di nuovo il legame con la Natura ad inserirsi perfettamente nel linguaggio artistico di questo autore.
Spazi immensi, un paesaggio che si dilata fra terra e cielo ,un albero essenziale nella forma, dai rami spogli…disegnato ad inchiostro di china che si delinea elegante a toccare nuvole potenti……in movimento…quasi fossero onde del mare, bianche di luce , attraverste dal volo …libero..di un uccello. Foglie che diventano ‘graffito’ linee essenziali, rigorose, due foglie unite insieme ,una bianca l’altra di tonalita’ piu’ scura…YIN YANG ed un fondo neutro che fa risaltare l’elegante forma di queste foglie. Bellissima questa serie che Pietrino ha dedicato al mondo vegetale, fiori particolari, uno stelo lunghissimo , quasi acquarellato nei toni delicati del grigio, con la corolla di forma affascinante un bocciolo pronto ad esplodere nella bellezza della sua maturita’….e si avvolge di luce soffice e si delinea…..ESSENZIALE in un fondo di texture delicata….Ma Pietrino e’ un autore di oggi…e si confronta con la realta’ delle citta’…il mondo e’ fatto di paesaggi dove la presenza umana e’…assente e la Natura vera PADRONA della scena…ma il mondo e’ anche fatto di strade….di architetture avveniristiche ma anche in queste due immagini del portfolio che Pietrino ci ha proposto, tutto e’ improntato al grande rigore compositivo, ma l’occhio attento dell’artista…sa cogliere un intreccio di linee geometriche , che si disegnano sull’asfalto, e qui la presenza umana quasi si integra…con queste forme mentre si staglia potente verso il cielo la struttura architettonica fatta di luce…di riflessi una lotta…almeno io cosi’ la interpreto, del metallo…del vetro…del cemento e la nuvola morbida…ovattata lampo di luce bianca a contrastare il grigio potente del cielo. Ma la natura ritorna….la NATURA con la sua potenza e l’uomo, piccolo…fragile….diventa un dettagliio….una minuscola particella nell’immensita’ dell’UNIVERSO di questa Natura che e’ fatta di MARE, di CIELO. un uomo piegato a sfiorare l’acqua, forse un pescatore….e questo mare che si dilata fino a…congiungersi…unirsi al cielo in un amoroso abbraccio fino a perdersi in un ventaglio di nuvole in movimento. Un percorso affascinante….la fotografia di Pietrino Di Sebastiano, un bianco e nero che vibra di luce e di ….emozioni….una Fotografia che parla ai nostri occhi….ma soprattutto fa vibrare….la nostra ANIMA.

Link: •B&W Soul Vision•        

( Recensione dal sito B&W Soul Vision Portfolio: Pietrino Di Sebastiano - Commento a cura di Paola Marinangeli )

#leimmaginicheamo - Angelo Zzaven interview Pietrino Di Sebastiano


INTERVIEWS: • READ MORE •         Link: • leimmaginicheamointerviews •        

Due mie foto, della serie: Milano, pubblicate nel libro “PHOTOMILANO ON DESIRE”. Luglio 2023
Progetto grafico, editing e layout di Federicapaola Capecchi.
Testi di Federicapaola Capecchi e Melina Scalise.
Milano, “Casa Museo Spazio Tadini”, sabato 8 Luglio 2023, presentato il primo libro “PHOTOMILANO ON DESIRE” del gruppo PhotoMilano creato e ideato da Francesco Tadini.


Domenica 19 Marzo - Orario 10-13 17-20
⁄F urbä⁄ Via Tripio, 145
Guardiagrele (Ch)
Dal 19 Marzo al 10 Aprile 2023
Orari: Sabato e Domenica 10-13 17-20
Aspetta Primavera a cura di Simone Marsibilio
Mostra personale di Pietrino di Sebastiano
Inverno, è quel momento in cui si sta intorno ai termosifoni ci si racconta e si aspetta, si aspetta la Primavera.
È un giorno freddo d’inverno, un giorno come tanti. Immagina un tavolo, il Libro di Fotografia di Adams in inglese, una persona legge e traduce l’altra trascrive la traduzione con attenzione, prende le figure e le riporta con dedizione e perfezione come dall’una e all’altra pagina riempiendo i vuoti con i suoni della macchina da scrivere “Lettera 35” senza mai fare un errore, seguendo ogni lettera come se ognuna di esse fosse una parola con un significato non sostituibile. Un Totem che prende forma giorno dopo giorno, un’opera d’arte che prende forma, non una copia ma arte che rappresenta la definizione di passione. Questo è un aspettare, una dolce attesa come si aspetta la Primavera.
Quando si hanno aspettative si mettono sul tavolo, sullo stesso tavolo dove ci sono quelle passioni create con dedizione, tutti i desideri che nascono naturalmente e contemporaneamente quelli che si costruiscono in maniera innaturale. L’architettura dei pensieri crea in noi un tempo di ricerca che si tramuta in una attesa lenta ma piena di immaginazione, di bellezza e di sincerità.
Rincorriamo la stagione della primavera come primo traguardo di quel tempo che ci renderà migliori ma dimentichiamo sempre che quella bella stagione sarà il frutto del freddo e di quello che ci ha preceduto. Se siamo come siamo è solamente grazie ai passi che abbiamo fatto per arrivare fino a qui.
Natura e Architettura sono la relazione di un mondo che ci rappresenta, convivere con tutto quello creato dalla Terra e da quello che noi creiamo sulla Terra ci rende unici. Associare le immagini e rendere vivo qualcosa di statico, associare le immagini e rendere immobile qualcosa di spontaneo.
Questo è quello che ho visto incontrando e conoscendo Pietrino, generoso e spontaneo con la innata e spregiudicata voglia di raccontare quello che la fotografia lo ha portato a guardare. Il pazientare il momento giusto, il ritornare indietro nel punto esatto che in maniera sfuggente aveva visto con i suoi occhi mentre camminava, dai suoi viaggi organizzati e l’aspettare gli altri, allo studio in soffitta con i fiori del suo campo, con la tecnica che lo contraddistingue e la fortuna che lo accoglie spontaneamente. È un viaggio fatto da un uomo che parla di colori con il bianco e nero lavorando sulle sensazioni inconsce ma con una pura malinconia di una camera oscura che spaventa, stanca e un nuovo modo di produrre tecnologico che sfrutta con l’esperienza del passato. Una sana ventata di natura e artificio che creano un nuovo spazio vivo in cui lui arriva e noi ci prendiamo quella ventata fresca di serenità.


PX3 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris 2022. Premio ORO per la mia serie WITHOUT ESCAPE nella categoria Fine Art/Architecture.


link: PX3 - Paris 2022

Nine photos by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on B&W Minimalism Magazine 36 - Published on August 12, 2022

link: B&W Minimalism Magazine

The Black & White Book - A Selection of Contemporary Photograph
Otto pagine dedicate al mio lavoro di fine art in bianco e nero con 15 fotografie pubblicate.
puoi ACQUISTARE questo bellissimo libro fotografico su:
LE RICHIESTE DI PRENOTAZIONE possono essere fatte all'email dell'editore:
Eight pages dedicated to my fine art work in black and white with 15 published photographs.
you can BUY this beautiful photography book at:
RESERVATION REQUESTS can be made to the publisher's email:


link: preview of the book on ISSUU

95 Photographer - December 2022
Le mie 5 foto selezionate da Vanni Pandolfi e Yasmin Javidnia per il bellissimo progetto BESTSELECTED - THE LANDSCAPE 2022 Vol.II
... le immagini presentate in questo progetto sono tutte realizzate in Abruzzo dove vivo.
Il libro è disponibile in due versioni: PDF e Magazine 22×28 cm

Link: •Bestselected Magazine•        

121 Photographer - May 2022
Un grande progetto di Vanni Pandolfi e Yasmine Javidnia.
Confined Spring (IV), by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on The Bestselected Book Vol.V
Il libro è disponibile in due versioni: Book 20×25 cm e Magazine 22×28 cm

Link: •Bestselected Book•        Link: •Bestselected Magazine•        

The artwork Costa Dei Trabocchi has been selected by Art Limited editors. It will be displayed on home page Thursday 9 August 2022.


link: Art Limited

The artwork The Cloud has been selected by Art Limited editors. It will be displayed on home page Thursday 26 May 2022 at 7:00am (Paris, France time).


link: Art Limited

The artwork City Life, Milano has received the honourable mention for the ARCHITECTURE AWARDS 2022. - Art Limited, Bordeaux, Francia, 30 aprile 2022


link: Art Limited - ARCHITECTURE AWARDS 2022

Mie foto pubblicate sul libro #leimmaginicheamo realizzato da Avgelo Zzaven con la prefazione di
Giuseppe Cicozzetti. Una raccolta di 62 Autori con tre foto ognuno.

Link: •#leimmaginicheamo Book•        

90 Photographer - May 2021
Un grande progetto di Vanni Pandolfi con una bellissima prefazione di Angelo Cucchetto.
Autumn (VI), by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on The Bestselected Book Vol.IV

Link: •Bestselected Book•        

4 Stampe Fine Art (50x50cm) della serie Palazzi a Milano di Pietrino Di Sebastiano esposte a Milano.
Milano SpazioFMF (Fondo Malerba per la Fotografia) - WINTER SHOW 2020 Collettiva D′Inverno. 31 Ottobre - 15 Gennaio 2021.


link: SpazioFMF      link: ArchivioFMF

TOKYO-2020 Tokyo International Foto Awards - Honorable Mention - Portfolio / Fine Art / Milan Photographer Pietrino Di Sebastiano


link: Tokyo International Foto Awards 2020

100 [HUNDRED] Photographize Best Selected 2020 Vol. 01
December 2020
100 [HUNDRED] Photographize Best Selected VOL. 01 recognizes those who inspire us. In this book, Photographize collects the works of 100 visionary artists that pushed the limits, and we are thrilled to share them with the world. We dreamt this book for a long time and put all our love in every page. During these challenging times, artists unleashed their imagination and connected us to our humanity. They found new ways of expression and of reaching their audiences. More than ever, art became a safe oasis where we could find beauty and inspiration. This book is a tribute to these artists and their incredible work.
Palazzo Lombardia ≠4, by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on The 100 [HUNDRED]
Photographize Best Selected 2020 Vol. 01

Link: •Photographize Best Selected 2020 Vol. 01•        

LOS ANGELES - Sunday, November 1, 2020.
Dear Pietrino
CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 15th Annual Black & White Spider Awards with:
Nominee in Architectural | Building
6,378 entries were received from 69 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!
The Jury represented the industry′s biggest names and tastemakers including Musee de l'Elysee, Lausanne; Sotheby's, London; Travel/Discovery Channel, New York; Kunsthaus Zurich, Switzerland; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; The Guardian, London; Contrasto Galleria, Milan; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; Hiroshima MOCA, Japan; MACBA, Barcelona; and Pereira O'Dell in New York who reviewed the entries online before making their nominations and honoring 610 title awards and 919 nominees in 32 categories. The Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to work with.
Congratulations once again, we wish you a most successful photography year.
Basil O′Brien
Creative Director

Link: •thespiderawards•        

The artwork Building in the fog, Milano has won the #1 place for the BLACK and WHITE 2020 competition. - Art Limited, Bordeaux, Francia, 30 settembre 2020


link: Art Limited - Black and White 2020

PX3 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris 2020. Premio BRONZO per la mia serie Milan nella categoria Fine Art/Other.


link: PX3 - Paris 2020

70 Photographer - September 2020
Un grande progetto di Vanni Pandolfi con una bellissima prefazione di Giuseppe Cicozzetti.
Palazzo, by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on The Bestselected Book Vol.III

Link: •Bestselected Book•        

London, 12th April 2020


                 Link: •thirty-six windows•         Link: •UniCredit Tower•         Link: •Fine Art Photography Awards•        

PiART Gallery
Dear, Pietrino Di Sebastiano
Your photo has been selected to be part of the "Where there is matter, there is geometry".
PiART Selection Series
Geometry: Black and White Geometries (1)
Link:• PiART Selection Series


Link: •PiART Series

PiART Gallery
Dear, Pietrino Di Sebastiano

It is our honor to inform you that the curators have selected your photo as Photo of the Day in the PiART Gallery!
Link:• Photo of the Day - 08 Jun 2020
Link:• Photo of the Day - 25 Aug 2020
Link:• Photo of the Day - 25 Nov 2020

Link: •PiART Gallery

LOS ANGELES - October 12, 2019.
Dear Pietrino
CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 14th Annual Black & White Spider Awards with:
Nominee in Silhouette | Portrait of my shadow
6,418 entries were received from 73 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!
The Jury represented the industry′s biggest names and tastemakers including Musee de l'Elysee, Lausanne; The Guardian, London; Contrasto Galleria, Milan; Travel/Discovery Channel, New York; Harper's Bazaar, UK; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Zurich; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna; Conny Dietzschold Galleries, Sydney; and Pereira O'Dell in New York who reviewed the entries online before making their nominations and honoring 758 title awards and 909 nominees in 32 categories. The Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to work with.
Congratulations once again, we wish you a most successful photography year.
Basil O′Brien
Creative Director

Link: •thespiderawards•        

Six photos and my short biography published on
iLeGaLiT Magazine, Issue 11 - Published on September 2019
Special thanks to PhDr. Lucia Bihuncová
šéfredaktorka / chief editor
iLeGaLiT Magazín - Slovakia

Link: •iLeGaLiT html•         Link: •iLeGaLiT Issue 11•         Link: •iLeGaLiT•        

25 Pages dedicated to my work and a full Interview in French and English published on
Shades of Grey - Fine Art Photography Magazine, Issue 20 - July 2019
(EN) Pietrino Di Sebastiano is a mix of landscapes and cityscapes photographer.
All his images have high contrast and textures, which seems to be a global trend in today's photography.
(FR) Pietrino Di Sebastiano est un mélange de paysages et de paysages urbains.
Toutes ses images ont un contraste et des textures élevés, ce qui semble être une tendance mondiale dans la photographie d'aujourd'hui.
Special thanks to Jean Michel Missri
Editor of Shades of Grey & Shades of Color magazines.

Link: •Interview html•         Link: •Interview pdf•         Link: •Shades of Grey•        

C O L O R I   E   P E N S I E R I   •   F R I S A
Palazzo Baronale Caccianini - Frisa (CH) dal 1 dicembre 2019 al 6 gennaio 2020
VERNISSAGE: Domenica 1 dicembre 2019, ore 17.00
Portrait of my shadow © Pietrino Di Sebastiano esposta a Frisa (CH)
Misure: 80cm x 80cm su carta Hahnemühle Photo Pearl 310gr.
Stampa: Plotter Epson SC 9900 con inchiostri originali Epson.
Cornice in legno Nero-Lucido senza vetro.


D U A L I T Á   A R T I S T I C H E   P E R   C A S O L I
Pietrino Di Sebastiano (fotografia) e Pasquale Lucchitti (pittura)
Castello Ducale di Casoli (CH) dal 4 al 18 Agosto 2019
VERNISSAGE: Domenica 4 Agosto 2019, ore 18.00
Fotografia 31cm x 31cm su carta Hahnemühle Fine Art Baryta 325gsm.
Stampa: Epson Stylus Photo R2880, Inchiostri Epson UltraChrome K3.
Passepartout: Canson Bianco conservazione 3,0 mm
Misure Esterne: 50cm x 40cm; Misure del foro: 31cm x 31cm;
Cornice in legno Nero-Lucido dimensioni effettive: 52cm x 42cm.


A R T I   V I S U A L I   P E R   C A P E S T R A N O
Castello PICCOLOMINI - Capestrano (AQ) dal 14 al 28 Luglio 2019
VERNISSAGE: Domenica 14 Luglio 2019, ore 18.00
Il Giardino Incantato © Pietrino Di Sebastiano esposta a Capestrano (AQ)
Misure: 80cm x 80cm su carta Hahnemühle Photo Pearl 310gr.
Stampa: Plotter Epson SC 9900 con inchiostri originali Epson.
Cornice in legno Nero-Opaco senza vetro.


Two photos by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on Photographize Magazine, Issue 41 - Published on May 20, 2019

link: PHOTOGRAPHIZE Magazine

You had a photo published on
Dear Pietrino
Your photo CostaDeiTrabocchi has been published!
Good light, 1x curator team

Link: ••        

Art Limited Awards 2018 «Architetture» competition
Ponte Flaiano, Pescara - Italy © Pietrino Di Sebastiano
3rd place in the Art Limited Awards 2018 Architecture competition

Link: •Art Limited Awards 2018•        

Your artwork will be published in the Best of day selection
Excellent Pietrino!
The artwork «Amsterdam #9364» has been selected for the Best Of day selection feed. It will be displayed from Saturday 3 November 2018 at 10:15am (Paris, France time).
Best Of selections:
Share this success with your friends or fans, if you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, blogs, forums or any other social networks. More visitors and members on Art Limited means more audience for your creations, and vice versa, bringing back new contacts.

Link: ••        

LOS ANGELES - Wednsday, January 16, 2019.
Dear Pietrino
CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 13th Annual Black & White Spider Awards with:
Nominee in Architectural | bridge
6,404 entries were received from 77 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!
The Jury represented the industry′s biggest names and tastemakers including Penguin Random House, London; Contrasto Galleria, Milan; Young & Rubicam, Lima; Harper′s Bazaar, UK; Victoria Film Festival, Canada; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Zurich; Time Inc., London; Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna; Conny Dietzschold Galleries, Cologne; and Fratelli Alinari Photography Museum in Florence who reviewed the entries online before making their nominations and honoring 692 title awards and 952 nominees in 32 categories.
The Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to work with.
Congratulations once again, we wish you a most successful photography year.
Basil O′Brien
Creative Director

Link: •thespiderawards•        

Certifies that
Pietrino Di Sebastiano
was awarded in Neutral Density Photography Awards 2016 with
Honorable Mention in Fine Art: Other Category
This award has been issued and certified on 27, Nov 2016.
Link EXPO: ••        
Link EXPO #2: ••        


LOS ANGELES - Saturday, November 5, 2016.
Dear Pietrino
CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 11th Annual Black & White Spider Awards with:
Nominee in Architectural | Hotel
Nominee in Fine Art | Expo 2015
7,556 entries were received from 71 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!
The Jury represented the industry′s biggest names and tastemakers including National Geographic, Washington DC; The Armory Show, New York; TBWA, Paris; Victoria Film Festival, Canada; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; Studio Hansa, London; Fratelli Alinari, Florence; Australian Centre for Photography; Young & Rubicam, Lima; and Anthem Worldwide/Marque Branding, Sydney who reviewed the entries online before making their nominations and honoring 627 title awards and 951 nominees in 31 categories.
The Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to work with.
Congratulations once again, we wish you a most successful photography year.

Link: •thespiderawards•        


Link: •fineartphotoawards•        


Link: •industriarchitettura•        

12 Pages dedicated to my works and full Interview in English published on
Black & White Fine Art Photography Magazine - ADORE NOIR - Issue 24 - February 2015
Special thanks to the Editors of Adore Noir Magazine
The juxtaposition of a single bird flying against the clouds, wings spread open, free, as the structures that inhabit the space surrounding it stand firm, this is one of Pietrino Di Sebastiano´s photos, the symmetry and play between the natural world and the man-made world is pleasing to the eye and interesting for the mind to ponder.

Link: •Interview html•         Link: •Interview pdf•         Link: •ADORE NOIR•        

( Recensione dal sito Adore Noir - SOLITUDE Interview with Pietrino Di Sebastiano )


Link: •ABOVE ART•        

Elegant & Intuitive Fine art photography by Pietrino Di Sebastiano
Pietrino Di Sebastiano is a self taught fine art photographer from Italy. His work has received numerous accolades and has been published all over the world. Speaking about his work, Pietrino loves to capture the solitude silence within these landscape and man made buildings. There is this peculiar silence and irresistible longingness to these photographs which are hard to explain.
Most of his pictures are in square format which futher helps in nailing the theme much easier in hands with monochrome. Take a look at these wonderful photographs to know more.

Link: •121clicks•        

( Recensione dal sito 121clicks - Portfolio: Pietrino Di Sebastiano )

Paisajes en blanco y negro de Pietrino Di Sebastiano.
June 21, 2015
Pietrino Di Sebastiano, fotógrafo italiano en 1956.
Autodidacta que en 1980 comenzó sus trabajos en blanco y negro.
Sus obras se han expuesto en exhibiciones individuales y colectivas.
También han aparecido en las principales revistas de fotografía.
El equipo que utiliza es una cámara Canon EOS 30D, objetivo Canon Zoom EF 24-70 mm 1:208 L USM.
Para la edición digital utiliza Photoshop CS6.
Las imágenes son ambivalentes, por un lado, de primer impacto, crean confusión, temor, para después pasar a un estado de tranquilidad. Crea nuevas dimensiones en las que se aprecia ausencia de formas humanas.
Los escenarios tienen los elementos básicos de composición, sin exceso de objetos.
Trata de hacer que el lector tenga una visión nueva, diferente, fuera de lo que está acostumbrado a ver.

Link: •Galeria Fotocreativa•        

( Recensione dal sito Galeria Fotocreativa - Portfolio: Pietrino Di Sebastiano )


Link: •PhotoPoint•        

Abbazia di San Martino in Valle, foto 200cm X 86cm di Pietrino Di Sebastiano presso la hall da Oreste Affittacamere a Fara San Martino, Abruzzo-Italy


hall da Oreste Affittacamere

link: da Oreste Affittacamere

C a s t i g l i A r t e (Mostra d´Arte Contemporanea)
Castiglione Messer Marino dal 9 al 19 Agosto 2018
STOP © Pietrino Di Sebastiano esposta a CastigliArte 2018
Misure: 30.9cm x 46.36cm su carta Hahnemühle Fine Art Baryta 325 A3+
Stampa: Epson Stylus Photo R2880 con inchiostri Epson UltraChrome K3
Passepartout: Canson Bianco conservazione 3,0 mm
Misure Esterne: 45cm x 62cm; Misure del foro: 30.9cm x 46.36cm
Cornice in legno Nero-Lucido dimensioni effettive: 47cm x 64cm

Comunicato Stampa Locandina         

mainstreaming - (arte contemporanea) - Castel Di Sangro (AQ) - Pinacoteca Patiniana - Palazzo de Petra 3-31 gennaio 2018
mainstreaming - (arte contemporanea) - Sulmona (AQ) - Cappella del Corpo di Cristo - Palazzo SS. Annunziata 26 marzo - 5 aprile 2018
mainstreaming - (arte contemporanea) - Pescara - Fondazione PESCARABRUZZO - Corso Umberto I ~ 1-15 giugno 2018


Fulgor by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on The Bestselected Book Vol.I - 101 Photographer - March 2018


Seven photos by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on B&W Minimalism Magazine 04 - Published on Apr 12, 2017

         link: B&W Minimalism Magazine

Rassegna Internazionale di Fotografia - LA GRANDE MADRE - Agropoli (Italy) 07-08-2016 al 30-10-2016


Three photos by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on BLACK Magazin Issue 2 - July - August 2016

link: BLACK Magazin

STOP esposta a Lucca - Sala delle Esposizioni, Palazzo Comunale ( Mostra-MaxArtis: Attimi )


Portfolio: Herbarium by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on Clickart E-Magazine Issue 2 - May 2016

         Link: Clickart pdf link: CLICKART E-MAGAZINE

Riviera, Pescara - Italy by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on Stark-Magazine! Issue 44, February 2016

link: View Stark Magazine - Issue.44

Monochrome Awards - International Black & White Photography Contest 2015


London, UK (28 February 2015) — Photographer Mr Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was Awarded Honorable Mention in Fine Art for the winning entry EXPO at prestigious Monochrome Awards honouring Black & White Photography.
London, UK (28 February 2015) — Photographer Mr Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was Awarded Honorable Mention in Landscapes for the winning entry Calanchi at prestigious Monochrome Awards honouring Black & White Photography.
The 2015 Monochrome Awards received nearly 7000 submissions from 86 countries around the world. Winning images were selected by panel of international judges, including: Ted Preuss, David Fokos, Roman Loranc, David Johndrow, Stefano Brunesci, Tomasz Lazar, Dominique Bollinger, Andre Brito, Giacomo Brunelli and Martin Stavars.

Fine Art Honorable Mention: EXPO Landscapes Honorable Mention: Calanchi

Rassegna Internazionale di Fotografia - MEDITERRANEO - Agropoli (Italy) 28-06-2015 al 30-09-2015


Lake Balaton, Balatonalmadi - Hungary by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on Apapacho Gallery - 13 August 2015


Monochrome Awards - International Black & White Photography Contest 2014

Honorable Mention: cloud     Honorable Mention: stop     Honorable Mention: seeker

ND Awards 2014 - Fine Art: Other - Honorable Mention - Detail by Pietrino Di Sebastiano (Italy)

Honorable Mention: Detail    Honorable Mention: STOP


LOS ANGELES October 18, 2014 - Amateur photographer Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was presented with the 9th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Nominee in the category of Fine Art at a prestigious Nomination & Winners PhotoShow webcast Saturday, October 18, 2014.

The live online gala was attended by photography fans around the globe who logged on to see the climax of the industry’s most important event for black and white photography.

The awards international Jury included captains of the industry from The Royal Photographic Society, FoMu Fotomuseum, Aeroplastics Contemporary, Torch Gallery, Stockholm City Museum to Fratelli Alinari in Florence who honored Spider Fellows with 298 coveted title awards and 957 nominees in 14 categories.

"It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 8,508 entries from 73 countries that we received this year," said Basil O′Brien, the awards Creative Director. "(Pietrino Di Sebastiano)′s "(STOP)," an exceptional image entered in the (Fine Art) category, represents black and white photography at its finest, and we′re pleased to present him with the title of Nominee."

BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS is the leading international award honoring excellence in black and white photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in black and white photography.
You can view the 9th Annual Winners Gallery at link:


STOP by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on SHOT! Magazine Issue #10 July 2014
HOTEL by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on SHOT! Magazine Issue #12 October 2014

link: SHOT! Magazine #10 link: SHOT! Magazine #12


HONORABLE MENTION WINNER OF PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris
Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was Awarded in the PX3 2014 Competition.

Paris, France
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) announces winners of PX3 2014 competition.
Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was Awarded in category for the entry entitled, " STOP ." The jury selected winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.
Px3 is juried by top international decision-makers in the photography industry: Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert près la Cour d´Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Françoise Paviot, Director of Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.
The "Prix de la Photographie Paris" (Px3) strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talent, and introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community of Paris. Winning photographs from this competition are exhibited in a high-profile gallery in Paris and published in the high-quality, full-color Px3 Annual Book.

Stark-Magazine Issue.27 - 40 pages, published 7/1/2014



LOS ANGELES May 3, 2014 - Amateur photographer Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was presented with the 7th Annual Photography Masters Cup Nominee title in the category of Fine Art at a prestigious Nomination & Winners Photoshow webcast Saturday, May 3, 2014.
The live online gala was attended by photography fans around the globe who logged on to see the climax of the industry´s most important event for color photography.
7th Annual Jury members included captains of the industry from Contrasto, Rome; Kahmann Gallery, Amsterdam; Galerie Simon Blais, Montreal; Barbara Frigerio Contemporary Art, Milan; Clair Galerie, Munich; and Ingrid Deuss Gallery, Belgium who honored Color Masters with 274 coveted title awards in 18 categories.
"It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 7,416 entries we received this year," said Basil O´Brien, the awards Creative Director. "Pietrino Di Sebastiano´s "notitle," an exceptional image entered in the Fine Art category, represents contemporary color photography at its finest, and we´re pleased to present him with the title of Nominee."
INTERNATIONAL COLOR AWARDS, PHOTOGRAPHY MASTERS CUP is the leading international award honoring excellence in color photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in color photography.
You can view the 7th Annual Winners Gallery at link:


STOP by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on CAMERARAW.IT - CONTEST Street and Urban, December 2013



LONDON October 20, 2013 - Amateur photographer Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was presented with the 8th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Nominee in the category of Fine Art at a prestigious Nomination & Winners PhotoShow. The live online ceremony webcast Saturday, October 19, 2013 was attended by photography fans in 75 countries who logged on to see the climax of the industry’s most important event for black and white photography.

The awards international Jury included captains of the industry from the Tate in London, Heffel Fine Art, FoMu Fotomuseum, FTM Advisory, Camera Work, Art Stage Singapore, Aeroplastics Contemporary, Galerie Baudoin Lebon in Paris, to Fratelli Alinari in Florence who honored Spider Fellows with 246 coveted title awards and 938 nominees in 14 categories.

"It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 9,456 entries we received this year," said Basil O′Brien, the awards Creative Director. "(Pietrino Di Sebastiano)′s "(Allium sp)," an exceptional image entered in the Fine Art category, represents black and white photography at its finest, and we′re pleased to present her with the title of Nominee."

BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS is the leading international award honoring excellence in black and white photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in black and white photography.
You can view the 8th Annual Winners Gallery at link:


PX3 2013 People′s Choice - Presented by le Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) to: Pietrino Di Sebastiano
Award: Third Prize - Title of Submission: Clouds - Category: Fine Art

link: PX3

Portfolio by Pietrino Di Sebastiano on ND MAGAZINE NEUTRAL DENSITY - Featured user, Sep 30th 2013

link: ND Magazine

Portfolio by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on PHOTOGRAPHIZE Magazine Issue 15 July 2013

link: PHOTOGRAPHIZE Magazine

Portfolio (16 photos) by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on SAM Slovak Art Magazine, Issue 08 - 30 June 2013

link: SAM Slovak Art Magazine

STOP by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on LENS Folio . your passion showcase here . #01 - May 2013
Cloud by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on LENS Folio . your passion showcase here . #06 - November 2013

link: LENS Folio #01 link: LENS Folio #06

Herbarium by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on Practical Photoshop Issue 21 - January 2013

link: Practical Photoshop

Allium cepa #2 by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on Blur Magazine Issue 28 - December 1, 2012


Stark-Magazine Issue.8 - 32 pages, published 11/27/2012


Two photos from the series Herbarium exposed in mainstreaming
PARCO DEI PRIORI, FOSSACESIA, ITALY • 14 October - 18 November 2012



LONDON June 2012 - Amateur photographer Pietrino Di Sebastiano of Italy was presented with the 7th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Allium cepa.#2 in the category of Fine Art at a prestigious Nomination & Winners PhotoShow. The live online ceremony webcast Saturday, June 9, 2012 was attended by photography fans in 72 countries who logged on to see the climax of the industry's most important event for black and white photography.
The awards international Jury included captains of the industry from National Geographic, Fratelli Alinari, Heffel Fine Art to the Tate in London who honored Spider Fellows with 180 coveted title awards and 875 nominees in 14 categories.
"It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 8,223 entries we received this year," said Basil O´Brien, the awards Creative Director. "Pietrino Di Sebastiano´s "Allium cepa.#2," an exceptional image entered in the Fine Art category, represents black and white photography at its finest, and we´re pleased to present him with the title of Nominee."
You can view the 7th Annual Winners Gallery at link
BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS is the leading international award honoring excellence in black and white photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in black and white photography.


International Color Awards | 5th Annual Photography Masters Cup | Honorable Mention in Silhouette
title: building | Photographer: Pietrino Di Sebastiano | link:

International Color Awards | 4th Annual Photography Masters Cup | Abstract nominees | title: no title
Internat. Color Awards | 4th Annual Photography Masters Cup | Photojournalism nominees | canadair

Herbarium by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on POTPOURRI - July 2011


Portfolio by Pietrino Di Sebastiano published on PhotoArt Magazine Issue 8th - August 2006

link: PhotoArt Magazine

Fotografare - Progresso Fotografico - Reflex - Tutti Fotografi

Cover Photo by Pietrino Di Sebastiano


God is Dead - Book

link: View Portfolio -:- link: Book Preview - God is Dead by Pietrino Di Sebastiano

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A Pietrino che guarda le nuvole
Ti ho visto guardare le nuvole
e desiderare di salirvi
chissà se per guardare
meglio il mondo di sotto
o più da vicino i monti ed il cielo.
Fra cielo e terra
si misurano meglio cose e persone:
quel ch'è piccolo può essere grande
quel ch'è grande piccolo.
Ti ho visto guardare le nuvole,
quelle che portano pioggia
sopra i giusti e sopra i malfattori.
Quelle ogni sera diverse
che raccontano creato e creature,
la vita che sboccia, sfiorisce e poi rinasce
in mille forme, umori e colori.
Ti ho visto rapito dalle nuvole
che celano e scoprono il sole
quando, come e perchè,
per il nostro bene,
lo sa davvero soltanto il Signore.
Nicola Rossi